MY wonderful followers..

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Azida's designed

I have just finished smocked these two designs which i am quite satisfied with it.  I had these two done within five days.  Kind of happy with my work.

                     managed to smock the last line while the Royal Wedding was on air...huhu

                             The History In The Making...

Speaking of the Royal Wedding , i am sure the whole world had watched the ceremony with eyes wide open 2 days ago.  i must admit that i enjoyed every minute of the broadcast and watch Will n Kate as they are such a romantic couple.  Just what a fairy tale said ...and they live happily ever after.  Well i think that's how it should be and i hope Kate's life won't be ended like the late Diana.

Here are some photos of the big day i would like to share with you.  enjoy...

I remember watching another Royal Wedding back in 1981 where a young shy girl became a princess and how her life story become sensational  till her death.  We always remember her as  Queen of people's heart.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

An evening with my love ones

Hai everybody, 

                       Ingatkan nak cuti lagi dpd berbloging sebab my smocking project XSIAP lagi .  Adus,  lagi enam helai nk kena siapkan. Harap sempat siap before the 'dead line' haha. Alah projek yg my sis bagi tu la. Tunggu jelah yer sis, hihi...
                     Actually masa i make this n3 ni i sedang berada di club (Ayer Keroh Country Club).  Bawa ank2 g swimming. Sebelum ke sini sempat singgah Kamdar  beli cotton fabric for my friend Dalila. Dia nak tempah smocking gown untuk anak dia who will be celebrating her birthday  this June.  (Hei dell, managed to get a nice cotton fabric for your girl hehe... ).  Sambil nyelam minum air huhu.  

kain cotton baru utk ank kawan i Dalilah

                    Dah lama sebenarnya x ke club ni sbb sibukk memanjangg.  Hari ni pulak ada time nk ke sini.  Selalunya i suka masuk sauna sementara ank2 berenang tapi arini kepala ada sikit 'pusing' so tak jadilah nak bersauna kang 'masak' i kt dlm tu hehe.  Punyalah lama  x ke sini sampaikan x perasan bilik air kat cni dah renovate baru.  Boleh tahan la...nampak fresh jer..

pintu yg bertutup tu sbb Balqis tgh shower..

Balqis was making 'demo' to a new student

pemandangan sebahagian dari club di AKCC, Melaka

di sini la i selalu 'bertangas' 

                               Sebelum balik kami pergi dinner dulu di Restoran makanan segera Radix.  First time makan kat sini waiter da tersalah ambil order.  Lain yg kami order lain yang mereka bagi.  Tapi sebab perut masing2 da lapar we all makan jelah.  Tapi to tell the truth i x berapa enjoy sangat makanan kat sini sbb 'kureng' sikitlah.  KFC lagi best.

a gift for Balqis

 My daughter Balqis once had been asking me to make a smocking gown for her doll.  So i managed to get it done for her and just as i thought, she really likes it ! 

smocking designed by me

                         These are some latest designs that i finally managed to smock several days ago.  This is what i'm doing lately that drives me 'crazy' a bit coz i 've to finish the project by end of May (sigh).  The fabrics are my sister's.  I've done three and 7 more designs to go.  Have to forward all these 'babies' back to my sis who will sew the gowns for her customers.  After this, i can concentrate doing mine.  I 've received a few orders from my customers.  Can't wait to get them started!

                   I'll be back for more interesting patterns..                                                

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Azida's designed

I've received a photo from my customer showing me her adorable gurl wearing  the smocking gown  of my latest designed. I wanted to share  with everyone here.  Enjoy...

                            Well, actually this is my niece. My sis haliza bought this 'baby' for her darling Qistina huhu..

The Sweet Qistina is wearing my  'Hot n Spicy' designed which i've made early this year.

P/s:  attn: I will be taking order for festive season soon. Insyaallah can place ur order  in early June. First come first serve! please do not hesitate to email or text me : hp 0126286418 for further information. tima kase..

Sunday, 17 April 2011

smocking designed by me

Hello everyone,

Today i would like to display some smocking patterns which i've been smocking previously n i must say that some are my favourites as i like to smock them over n over again.   If  i really like the patterns i would mix n match them into one design.  I found it really works and nice too. Maybe i should try it often huhu.
Here are some of them for your viewing pleasure...enjoy...

To be continued....

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Next Issue..

Hey everyone...

Watch out for my next issue in azida's chapter. 'Do it yourself at home' just want to share something that i've read n heard with u guys.

                                                             COMING SOON!!!!

p/s: quite buzy with my smocking project  at the moment. what else can i say? ...
       wish i have an extra 12 hours ...gulp..

Sunday, 10 April 2011

sunday with my love ones!

Selamat pagi , good morning everyone. Hari minggu ni apa plan anda semua? Yang mane dah ada rancangan nak keluar dgn keluarga tu teruskan rancangan tu..mesti best kan?    Hari Ahad  ni macam biasalah kalau we all x breakfast kat luar kami anak beranak minum di rumah saja.  Today i buat nasi goreng cina n goreng roti boyan segera yang i beli kat kedai cold storage nearby. Roti boyan ni doesn't look like roti pun. Figura macam karipap bulat x tahulah kenapa ianya di namakan roti boyan. Xkisahlah janji sedap dan boleh dimakan.

nasi goreng cina

here u are ..the delicious roti boyan

go baby go...
  My hubby yg x golfing this morning dah awal2 lagi sign up for his routine job. Mandikan c baby. Memang jadi kebiasaan baby kami mandikan once a week. Lihatlah aksi2 spontan baby tengah mandi. x sensored pun!! Persian cat mcm baby ni xda problem kalau mandikan dia. Xmacam kucing 'kampung'. Last time we all ada seekor kucing kampung yg we all beri nama Beamer. Everytime nak mandikan de punyalah bising mulut tu xreti nak diam. Takut air!!! But this baby is a nice one. Diam jer bila mandi.  X berdecit langsung. 

Picture sebelah ni masa tengah shampoo kan baby.

Lepas shampoo kena bilas pulak dengan air.
Sempat posing lepas mandi...bulu dah kembang!

 There u go..

Ingat x lagi pada pokok bunga kantan yang i tanam belakang rumah?   Hah, seminggu yg lepas dah keluar bunga.    Adalah dalam dua tiga batang yang dah berbunga. i ingat nak masak asam pedas bolehlah  letak bunga kantan mmg best!  Kalau berbunga banyak i suka bagi kat kawan2. Bukan ape ...bila dah overflow xtermakan pulak so apa salahnya i bahagi2 kat org..Tul x? 

           Tengah hari selepas zohor we all pergi tengok ank lelaki yang stay kat asrama.  This week dia ada sekolah ganti so xda outing. So terpaksalah pergi sekolah dia bawakkan barang2 yang dia pesan semalam.   Hubby beli KFC makan satu famili kat kantin sekolah anak i. Borak2 sekejap tanya khabar, pelajaran anak n after a while we went back at 4.oo pm.  Ingatkan my hubby nak pi driving range lepas tengok anak bolehlah i lepak2 kat club sambil teman Balqis swimming n masuk sauna sekejap. But in the end we ended lepaking at home. Hubby penat. huhuhu..

                                                                          Thank you