MY wonderful followers..

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Green green my garden!

I took these pictures a week ago after woke up one  morning and suddenly noticed all the flowers that i've planted started to bloom simultaneously.  And my hubby who never in his life shows any interests at those beautiful , magnificent 'creatures' (haha) had suddenly complimented my red roses as he was on his way to the office at that particular moment.  Made my heart  so flattered hu hu..

i always dream  when everytime i open my window i could smell a very nice n  sweet scent from my lovely roses.  i guess my dream had came true. la la la...

my morning glory ...

 this little one i took from a playground nearby while playing badminton with a friend.

my bougainvillea

one of my fav species

my cactus given by my aunt who lives a few block from us

 Have a nice weekend..